All Minutes

Meeting Minutes 2020-11-19 12:30 @ zoom


Discuss grantee requirements for governmental and non-governmental funding agencies. Review policies of analogous non-profits.


Tucker Ely, Cole Mathis and Douglas Moore

Overleaf to Google Drive Transition


Dr. Ely has started moving files over from Overleaf to Google Drive.

  • Grantmaker Review: List of Potential Funding Sources
  • Funding Strategies, Resources and Notes

In the process, Dr. Ely identified a number of relevant resources:

  • Salesforce
    • Provides a range of record keeping resources for non-profits
    • Free for the first 10 users
    • Cloud-based
    • May be hidden fees

Action Items

Action Item Person Responsible Due Date
Call Salesforce Tucker Ely 2020-11-19

Non-Governmental Agencies


Grantmaker Review

  • Reviewed Sloan Foundation, Dorrance Family Foundation and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
    • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
      • Requirements:
        • 2 years of financial audit statements
        • Organization-wide budget that includes both expenses and revenue projections
        • Audit management letters
        • Year-to-date financials
        • Indirect costs vs. direct cost limitations
        • No documentation on requirements for founding documents/policies
      • Possible Pitches:
        • The “39 Alpha Method” in its own right. This would require:
          • A solid outreach plan
          • Evidence that it works
          • The right foundation
        • The Monocrop Project
        • Possibly leverage scientific software
      • Proposals are invitation only
        • 100 word email required as “Letter of Intent”
      • No money for religious organizations
    • Sloan Foundation
      • 20% indirects
      • Energy & Environment — 39 Alpha might not fit
      • Letter of Enquiry — 1 or 2 pages
      • Smaller grants than Morre Foundation $50K - $100K
      • No stated organizational requirements (policies/bylaws)
    • Dorrance Family Foundation
      • No funding in 2019 (COVID)
      • Sort of a “Mom and Pop” operation
      • Arizona, California and Hawaii only
      • Letter of inqury required
      • No stated organizational requirements (policies/bylaws)

Action Items

Action Item Person Responsible
39 Alpha whitepaper All attendees
1 and 3 year budgets All attendees
Inquire into ASU/39 Alpha partnership All attendees
Get website into working order All attendees
Draft 100 word pitch and trial responses All attendees

Governmental Agencies


Funding Requirements of Governmental Agencies

  • National Science Foundation
    • Allows non-profits to submit proposals
    • Does not require a Conflicts of Interest policy for organizations fewer than 50 people
    • Does require:
      • Responsibility and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) Policy
      • Financial Management Systems Policy
      • Property Management Standards Policy
      • Procurement Standards Policy
    • Most/All proposals also require a Data Management plan
    • Making some or all of these policies standard across the organization might be worth doing to minimize effort
    • Data Management is our “property”, so there may only be a weak distinction between the DM and the PMS policy. Perhaps thy could be the same Policy?

Action Items

Action Item Person Responsible
Look up AGU’s data management policy for authors Tucker Ely

Review Analogous Non-Profit Policies


  • Santa Fe Institute
    • No bylaws on website
    • Financial statements on website
    • One-page ethics statement on website
  • NumFocus
    • Found bylaws — nothing terribly relevant to science
  • Perimeter Institute
    • Nothing found

Action Items

Action Item Person Responsible
Look into Blue Marble Cole Mathis

Website Revisions


Action Items

Action Item Person Responsible Due Date
Look into options for donation pages Douglas Moore 2020-12-02
Reach out to Salesforce Tucker Ely

Next Meeting’s Agenda (2022-12-03)

  • Tucker Ely will review more NGO funding source requirements
  • Douglas Moore will review more GO funding source requirements