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Team 0 Explores Hydrogen

39 Alpha’s Team 0 has begun developing a novel research method to aid in the discovery of mineral-based hydrogen generation techniques. This topic interests us greatly because we are more than a group of geochemists, physicists, and software developers. We are passionate problem solvers dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the world by conducting original scientific research that positively impacts the environment—and by extension, humanity.

When water interacts with rocks and minerals in the environment, dihydrogen ($\ce{H2}$) can be generated (but only sometimes and only under certain conditions). Some of these minerals and conditions are known1,2. A recent publication on this topic was published by 39 Alpha team member Tucker Ely3, alongside co-authors James Leong, Peter Conovas, and Everett Shock. Ultramafic rocks (combinations of olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene) are known to generate $\ce{H2}$. Tucker’s latest work applies high-throughput modeling techniques to explore how smooth variation in the composition of ultramafic rocks causes severe variation in $\ce{H2}$ generation.

Snapshot of “Huge Variation in Hydrogen Generation During Seawater Alteration of Ultramafic Rocks”

Natural systems contain an incredible diversity of minerals, which are brought into contact with an endless array of fluids across a range of temperatures, pressures, and compositions. Team 0 is exploring an expansion of the techniques used in Ely et al., 20223 to discover unrealized combinations of minerals (or mineral combinations) and fluid conditions that will yield accessible hydrogen. Where might such systems be found in nature? Are they accessible? Can we capture the hydrogen or mine the minerals at a sufficiently low cost and environmental footprint to justify their extraction?

With our scientifically diverse skill set and extensive experience modeling geologic $\ce{H2}$ generation, we bring a unique perspective to this problem. We specialize in providing high-throughput equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium geochemical models, enabling us to guide engineers in discovering optimal water-rock systems for $\ce{H2}$ generation. By analyzing and interpreting chemical models that span large ranges of the dependent variable space, we can identify ideal conditions for hydrogen generation that experimentalists should test further in laboratory settings and field geologists should seek out. This process would traditionally be time-consuming and vastly more expensive without large-scale modeling.

If you are interested in funding Team 0 to explore this idea (or others like it), please reach out to us.

  1. Klein, F., Tarnas, J. D., & Bach, W. (2020). Abiotic Sources of Molecular Hydrogen on Earth. Elements, 16(1), 19–24. doi:10.2138/gselements.16.1.19 ↩︎

  2. Truche, L., McCollom, T. M., & Martinez, I. (2020). Hydrogen and Abiotic Hydrocarbons: Molecules that Change the World. Elements, 16(1), 13–18. doi:10.2138/gselements.16.1.13 ↩︎

  3. Ely, T. D., Leong, J. M., Canovas, P. A., & Shock, E. L. (2023). Huge Variation in H2 Generation During Seawater Alteration of Ultramafic Rocks. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24(3). doi:10.1029/2022gc010658 ↩︎ ↩︎