Enabling the Discovery of $\ce{H2}$ Producing Systems with Large-scale Chemical Cartography

$\ce{H2}$ can be generated when rocks react with water in the Earth’s vast subsurface, potentially providing a near-limitless source of carbon neutral—or even carbon negative—fuel to energy markets. However, the relationship between geologic conditions, stimulation methods, and $\ce{H2}$ production (both yield and purity) is nebulous, and substantial research remains to be done. As a result, geologic $\ce{H2}$ firms are flying blind, as it is impossible to price/evaluate drill locations and stimulation protocols or to predict yield. Optimal $\ce{H2}$-generating conditions remain elusive because computational techniques, which might characterize $\ce{H2}$-producing systems, have remained underdeveloped for decades.

39 Alpha Research is developing a revolutionary chemical mapping service under an award from the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). We are partnered with experimental teams from Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Koloma, the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M, Eden GeoPower, and New England Research, to reveal the chemical mechanisms that produce hydrogen from water in natural systems.

39 Alpha’s new technology will (1) assess the $\ce{H2}$ potential of any field or laboratory water-rock-gas system, (2) reveal modification to fluid, rock, or reaction conditions that maximize $\ce{H2}$ yield, and (3) discover and circumvent kinetic barriers that depress $\ce{H2}$ production. These advances will reduce the R&D cost of hydrogen exploration while furthering ARPA-E’s goals of increasing $\ce{H2}$ purity in stimulated systems and limiting concomitant greenhouse gas emissions.